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The hyperspectral cameras from HinaLea Imaging provide a versatile platform for laboratory, field and industrial applications. A small Fabry-Perot interferometer positioned in front of the camera sensor acts as a tuneable spectral band-pass filter. In hyperspectral mode this filter enables images to be captured with up to 300 spectral bands in the VIS/NIR range. The filter bandpass is approximately 4nm across the VIS/NIR range and, as all sensor pixels are used, these cameras provide both high spatial and spectral resolutions at an affordable price point. The Fabry-Perot interferometric filter allows the possibility of hyperspectral cameras operating in the UV, VIS/NIR as well as the SWIR wavelengths.

Importantly, the HinaLea cameras are configurable so they can be operated in either hyperspectral or multispectral modes. In many spectral imaging applications, data is spectrally sparse, and it is sufficient to acquire only a subset of spectral bands. The HinaLea system can be programmed to scan a subset of bands, and this subset can be dynamically controlled based upon the object to be imaged. Resultant scan times can be shorter and generate smaller data sets, saving time and money. In multispectral mode these cameras have been shown to work at video rates with real-time classification based upon spectral features.

Short Description


VNIR 4200C

High-resolution VNIR imaging in a small, light, and affordable package

This ultra-compact imager covers the visible, near-infrared (VNIR) range from 400-1000 nm. It is exceptionally small at 85 mm x 59 mm x 70 mm while weighing only 530 g. This means it can be easily deployed anywhere–in the field, in a production/inspection facility, or on a UAV.

Key Features of Hinalea Model VNIR 4200C
  • SWaP-optimized package
  • High spatial and spectral resolution
  • VIS-NIR (400 – 1000 nm)
  • up to 300 spectral bands
  • 4 nm (FWHM)
  • Sensor Spatial Resolution – 2.3 MP or 5MP

VNIR 4200C full specifications

VNIR 4250

Tunable Filter Camera for High Spatial Resolution

The HinaLea® 4250 system represents the next generation of intelligent hyperspectral imagers. Based on front-staring Fabry–Pérot technology, the 4250 includes the hardware and software required to support a broad range of hyperspectral imaging applications. Whether you are working in the field, laboratory or a production facility, the 4250 sets the standard in performance, portability and application versatility.

Key Features of HinaLea Model VNIR 4250
  • High spatial and spectral resolution
  • Real-time imaging and classification
  • VIS-NIR (400 – 1000 nm)
  • Up to 300 spectral bands
  • 4 nm (FWHM)
  • Sensor Spatial Resolution – 2.3 MP
  • < 1 nm repeatability
  •  Lens interchangeability

VNIR 4250 full specifications

VSWIR 4300

The Hinalea model 4300 has a broad spectral range of 500-1,700 nm, combining many of the capabilities of our Model 4250 and 4450 systems. This model has a very strong response in the NIR range, making it ideal for agricultural and quality control applications.

Key features of Hinalea Model 4300 VSWIR
  • High spatial and spectral resolution
  • Real-time imaging and classification
  • VSWIR (500 – 1700 nm)
  • 300 spectral bands
  • 15 nm (FWHM)
  • Sensor Spatial Resolution 1.34 MP

VSWIR full specifications

SWIR 4450

Performance and Affordability in a Compact Size

Hinalea’s Model 4450 is the next generation system in its series of award-winning intelligent hyperspectral imaging solutions. The Model 4450 covers the shortwave-infrared (SWIR) spectral range from 1000 to 1700 nm and combines high spectral and spatial performance, with affordability and portability. The 4450 model utilises a front-staring approach to hyperspectral imaging that does not require mechanical scanning.

Key Features of Hinalea Model 4450 SWIR
  • High spatial and spectral resolution
  • Real-time imaging and classification
  • SWIR (1000 – 1700 nm)
  • 108 spectral bands
  • 10-45 nm (FWHM)
  • Sensor Spatial Resolution 640 x 512 pixel

SWIR 4450 full specifications

XSWIR 4455

Performance and Affordability in a Compact Size

The Model 4455 SWIR camera is the next generation system in Hinalea’s series of award-winning intelligent hyperspectral imaging solutions. The Model 4455 covers an extended shortwave-infrared (XSWIR) spectral range from 1200 to 2100 nm. It combines high spectral and spatial performance in a system that is both affordable and portable. The 4455 model utilizes a front-staring approach to hyperspectral imaging that does not require mechanical scanning.

Key Features of Hinalea Model 4455 XSWIR
  • High spatial and spectral resolution
  • Real-time imaging and classification
  • Extended-SWIR (1200 – 2100 nm)
  • 225 spectral bands
  • ~15 nm (FWHM)
  • Sensor Spatial Resolution 640 x 512 pixel

XSWIR 4455 full specifications

Applications are wide-ranging, including:

  • Industrial
  • Defence
  • Food safety
  • Precision agriculture
  • Vertical farming