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Reflection and Transmission Measurements

Calibration and Cleaning Service

  • Diffuse reflection
  • Specular reflection
  • Transmission
  • Color value deviation (L*a*b)
  • Wavelength measurements

Short Description

SphereOptics can provide a service for the measurement for our Standards and Targets, as well as for samples, that are provided by the customer. The reflectance and transmittance measurements are performed by using a high end spectrometer, Perkin Elmer Lambda 950 or Lambda 19, which are both equipped with an Integrating sphere.

Spectrometerconfiguration (® PerkinElmer)

The measurement of reflectance is done in the 8° geometry. Using this setup, the sample is mounted at the port of the sphere with an angle of 8°, which shifts the specular reflection of the sample toward the spheres wall. Optional, it is possible to have a light trap at this 8° position of the Sphere, to get also the diffuse and specular parts of the total reflection.

Measurement Geometry (® PerkinElmer)

The referencing the measured value is by using a standard, which was certified by the physikalisch technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). The wavelength accuracy of the spectrometer is checked periodically by using a SRM-2036 standard of National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)

Accuracy and Range

  • The standard measurement is done in range  250 – 2450 nm for 1 nm steps
  • The absolute accuracy in range 300 – 1750 nm is better than <0,45%
  • The wavelength accuracy of an absorption feature is <0,75nm  in range 250 – 1900 nm

Cleaning Service

In case your standard or target become contaminated, dirty or mechanically damaged we offer a cleaning and repair service.

Kindly contact for further information our sales team!


  • (Re)calibration of optical standards and reflecting materials
  • Verification of wavelength standards
  • Deviation of color values
  • Determination of transmission properties of glass
  • Customer specific measurement service on request