Short Description
The ASSIST II is the field deployable sounder that the atmospheric community has been waiting for. It is the first product that includes a self-calibrating spectroradiometer, a network-enabled control software that can operate from anywhere in the world and an integrated data processing pipeline that generates in near real time the end products that you need, autonomously.
- Measures temperature, water vapor, O3 CO, CO2, CH4 and NOx vs altitude (Atmospheric profiles)
- Generate temperature and moisture profile every 2 minutes (near real time)
- High accuracy measurements for weather applications
- High vertical resolution and high temporal resolution
- Integrated and automatic radiometric calibration
- Extensive instrument health monitoring
- Network-centered architecture
- Extensive remote monitoring for maintenance
- Accepts additional user devices via the built-in USB, LVDS, and CameraLink interfaces
- Rugged construction (field deployable)